Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"In life you will meet two kinds of people. Ones who build you up, and ones who tear you down. But in the end, you will thank them both."

"Never think about the past because it brings tears. Don't think about the future because it brings fears. Live in the moment with a good smile and cheers."

"Some roses are red. Some condoms are blue. All STD's are contagious. So watch who you screw."

"If you were a dinosaur, you'd be a bitchowhoreus."

"Life is gonna knock you down, and that's okay. What's not okay is when you let it keep you down."

"Best friends are like shadows, sometimes they follow you when you need them most. Other times they just disappear."

"You're girlfriend is rated E, for everyone."

"We must see all scars as beauty. A scar does not form on the dying, a scar means you survived."

"If you can't feel my heart beating. Its because you're not close enough."

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