Sunday, March 29, 2009


Our relationship is the kind some people spend their whole lives trying to find, and we're so lucky to have found it so early. I love him with my whole heart,Cameron is one of the most patient, kind and loving people I have ever met, and I'm blessed to have him in my life. You find new ways to amaze me each and every single day We fight sometimes and we've been through a lot but we're still happy together. Every moment with him is incredible. I couldn't ask for anything more. You are amazing.I Can't Wait to see where life takes us.I Love you more than words And I will love you my whole life.You and no other(:
You've tought me so many things and we both learn from each other. we grow stronger everyday. we grow closer everyday. you treat me like I'm some queen your a great and I hope we keep growing closer(:

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