Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Love's a tree growing in your heart; better look out when the roots start. I'm the bloom that began such a long time ago. Now I'm waking up to the sounds of the birds whose shadows race me up her street. And though my feet may never catch a flying thing, well, I am damn sure of it.. I could catch you. I would never let you fall.

I know it's been a tough year for a lot of people. And I know that when we get knocked down, it's the hardest thing in the world to imagine that someday things might ever seem different. And I know the bad days are really bad. Somebody broke your heart, somebody broke your dreams, or something happened that made you feel like things would never get better. But I don't think that's true. I think things get better. I think that good things come back around. I think that things change.

People are gonna call you names everyday of your life. But you have to remember this one thing. It’s not what people call you, but what you answer to.

if you’re going to talk, make sure you mean what you say

We all want that guy. The one who will text us goodnight and goodmorning. The one that will call us beautiful and make us start to believe it. The one that's sweet. The one that makes you feel special, like you're not just another one. The one who can make you laugh. The one who looks in your eyes when you talk, and makes you smile. The one who you'll be comfortable around and make you forget about your insecurities. The one that tells us he loves us. The one who remembers little details and who goes out of his way to show you he cares. hear that? that's the sound of nobody caring.

Seriously slut, anyone could turn you on. You’re basically a lamp.

I don't recall giving you a single reason to hate me, you create drama based on pure jealously.

Dear slut, your right leg misses your left leg.

She's just one of those people who creates drama out of her own insecurities, but nobody really gives a shit about it. So honestly I don't care if she hates me, she'll be over this hissy fit by next week.

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