Thursday, July 22, 2010

The fact that you cannot kiss your elbow is enough to make you
realize that some things seem to be so close, yet they are bound to be beyond your reach.

Life has only three guarantees. Smiling will brighten your face,
laughing will enhance your eyes, and falling in love will change your life.

Love is fragile and we're not always it's best caretakers.
Even the best of us make mistakes.
We just muddle through and do the best we can to hope this fragile thing survives by all odds.
(The Last Song)

Living on nothing but love while you're still young.
Life is too short to put it off anymore. You gotta live it before it's too late.
I can't turn that clock back around. What you're dreaming about- you better do it now, don't wait.

Life's a roller coaster: you scream at the peaks, hold hands through the dips,
laugh through the loops, & enjoy every twist and turn along the way.

For those who have grown with me or watched me grow up, I have always been the same girl.
More mature, maybe. More wise. But my core has stayed the same.
The funky spun in my step is still there like it was from my childhood years.
My outright bluntness from my first sentence in meeting someone. Last, the choice to be different.
Yeah, sometimes I think to myself ‘Maybe I should be like all you out there.
Start dying my hair, waking up to straighten it everyday. Pounds of make-up, looking sexy 24/7.’
But, nah; I’ll stick to what I’ve got. Yes, you “super hot” girls make me feel pretty Plain Jane sometimes,
but for those who are understanding me right now, I’m better than you because, under all that make up,
who’s gonna want you now that everyone is so used to seeing you glammed up like a doll?
Do you have as much as ambition and drive as I do under all that make-up?

Follow your internal compass.
Steal a heart.
Lose track of time.
Live your life.

It`s those moments when you drive around in a car full of friends around a town too small for you
where you gasp for breath between each laugh.
It`s about those moments where you get high off of just breathing in so deep,
The ones who make you feel invincible, even at your weakest points.

You have to decide what’s most important to you: keeping your pride and getting nothing,
or taking a risk and maybe, maybe have everything.

You cannot put a price tag on love, no matter how hard you try.
Though some have tried and many will, it’s impossible.
By doing so it means one of two things; either you’ve underestimated the true value of love,
or you’ve failed to fully define what love really is.

I want to appreciate the times when moments are made into memories.
I want to embrace them, cherish them, and never forget that they come so few and far between.
I know that wherever life takes me, these moments will always follow.
They remind me of what's truly important. It's not just life, but living.
It's the journey, the destination and all the points in between. And I must admit, I like what I see.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for being.

There’s so much of the world to explore, and although I’m a small town girl at heart,
I have to get out there and see it for myself.

You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.
You tend to give more than take in relationships. You need your space & privacy.
You don't like to be smothered. You're secretly hoping your partner will change for you.
You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.

Making a mistake doesn't matter; what matters is how determined you are to fix it.
But remember, a mistake is like writing on a foggy window, no matter how hard
you try to cover it up, if you look close enough.. it's still there.

Perfection is defined when your heart beats next to mine,
and time stands still for us. Your hand in my hair, and mine on your chest.
Moments with you are my life's best.

I’m a girl. I have feelings. I overreact. I underestimate. I overestimate.
I over think everything. I look too deep into everything’s meaning. I dream big.
My expectations are high. I can tell when I’m being lied to but sometimes I wish I didn’t.

There is and should not be one definite definition for beauty. It is everything.

I try my best for all friends.
My new thing is: If I'm presented with any decision,
try & do the best thing I can for humanity.

People say you have at least five dreams per night.
That's like 20 billion dreams a year.
One of those has got to be about me.

Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color.

Your fears are not walls, but hurdles.
Courage is not the absence of fear,
but the conquering of it.

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg
even though she knows that you are slightly cracked.

He was my best friend. I would always love him, and it would never, ever be enough.

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of.
You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.

Some pursue happiness – others create it.

Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they
never found it, but because they didn’t stop to enjoy it.

A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the
future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.

There are big ships and small ships. But the best ship of all is friendship.

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